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Welcome to SHINE!
We are an authentic community,
growing disciples of Christ,
committed to the Word of God
and to shine through service and missions
Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16)
distress supporting guide
Are you suffering from mental and emotional stress from the pandemic COVID-19 virus? We want to share difficulties with you, pray and overcome them together. If you would like to consult, please click the button below.
세계적 유행병인 코로나-19 바이러스 때문에 정신적으로, 감정적인 스트레스로 시달리고 계십니까? 저희는 여러분과 함께 어려움을 나누고 기도하며, 함께 이겨 나아가기를 원합니다. 상담을 원하시는 분은 위에 버튼을 눌러 주십시요.
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